RU POV: Ein russischer Soldat, der in einem Krater liegt, ist schockiert über einen FPV-Drohnenangriff, der nicht explodierte

Von ancient_cum_drinker


  1. Mephisteemo on

    „Good morning, this is your room – uhm crater service. You wanted to be woken up“

  2. One of the smartest russians in 2024. Most of his buddies would grab the drone and throw it around until it detonates.

  3. This_name_is_dumb on

    Shit in the pants will definitely slow reaction time to GTFO

  4. 007AlphaTrader007 on

    Look like he was laying there to die. Hand looks busted up

  5. Otbor4ere6ka on

    Just imagine being at this war for some time and seeing what drones do up close. Then you are injured but managed to find a crater to kinda hide you. And then the drone falls on you…im sure for a few seconds your brain sounds every alarm possible in your body, releasing amount of fear that could probably wake a dead man. Just seeing the thing that brings horrible death sitting next to you is….

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