Rekordzahl von 9,3 Millionen Menschen, die im Vereinigten Königreich von Hunger und Not betroffen sind – Wohltätigkeitsorganisation zur Armutsbekämpfung

Von Tartan_Samurai


  1. regprenticer on

    They don’t define what they mean by “hunger and hardship” in the article. After a bit of searching I turns out this is a new term defined for this report only

    *A family is said to be in relative poverty if their income is below the poverty line of 60% of median income. A family facing hunger and hardship is typically more than 25% below the poverty line.*

    So I think that means the poverty line is 60% of median income which was £32.4k last year [link](,(ONS)%20Household%20Finances%20Survey.). So the poverty line is a family income of £19.4k. and a family facing “hunger and hardship” has an income 25% below that which is just over £14.5k a year

    > Having employment is not a reliable route out of hardship, the report concluded, with 58% of people facing hunger and hardship living in a family where someone is working.

    I agree with this, rising rent and heat/electricity costs are absolutely ravaging working class and lower middle class families.

  2. Engage your brain for a moment.

    Having employment IS a reliable route out of hardship. The stat you’ve quoted is a massive manipulation.

    “58% of people facing hunger and hardship living in a family where someone is working”

    So you could have a family of 6 people and have one person in that household working only 15hrs per week and that would be considered a working household by the metrics of this study.

    How about people stop dossing about wasting money on shit they can ill afford (fags, booze, fast food) and get a full time job (min 37.5 hrs/Pw).
    Or would that be too much like effort?

  3. Reasoned_Watercress on

    That’ll be why Morrisons just locked the spirits in glass cupboards then

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