„Fox & Friends“ verbreitet Lügen der FEMA, Stunden nachdem ihr Netzwerk sie entlarvt hat



    1. Cute-Perception2335 on

      Fox & Friends appears to be fiercely loyal to mother Russia. They do a bang up job of disinformation.

    2. How is telling lies that put people’s life in danger lega!? You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater.

    3. JemmaMimic on

      They’re the OP/ED crew not news, they can just spew whatever they want. And do.

    4. Chance-College-6062 on

      the folks at fox can not tell the truth for more than a few minutes, then all bets are off

    5. Conscious-Deer7019 on

      These guys are pushing their luck, I won’t be surprised if they get sued again

    6. Then-Baker-7933 on

      Maybe they need to be sued for $2 Billion instead of the last judgement against them for $785 Million for lies? Rupert Murdoch does have bottomless pockets so sue them and donate to the victims!

    7. Looieanthony on

      Another 800m nuke incoming! Wouldn’t that be grand! A guy can dream, can’t he?

    8. MisplacedLemur on

      Again kids, thats because they are Evil. E.V. I. L.

      evil /ē′vəl/

      # adjective

      1. Morally bad or wrong; wicked. “an evil tyrant.”
      2. Causing ruin, injury, or pain; harmful.* “the evil effects of a poor diet.”
      3. Characterized by or indicating future misfortune; ominous. “evil omens.”

      *Fox ‘news’.

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