Nach dem 1. Juli 2025 werden Kleinbusse als wichtigste Überlandtransportmittel verboten.

Von Sandrofresh


  1. დავიჯერო, თბილისი-ბათუმი მუნიციპალურ ავტობუსს გაუშვებენ?

  2. Is_Bob_Costas_Real on

    …okay, how do they plan for people to get to cities which don’t have regular train service?

  3. External_Tangelo on

    So what is going to replace them and is that going to have the same frequency, cost, and distribution of services? Is it going to be a national bus system? Are they going to contract it out to their buddies?

    I know everyone hates the marshrutkas: they’re uncomfortable and the drivers suck. But the system currently functions very well for moving people around cheaply, frequently, and to a wide number of places. Many developed countries have much less effective public transportation than what the marshrutkas provide for Georgia. Most importantly, a huge amount of people rely on them. It’s going to be a tough act for a government that has not very impressive track record in managing transportation.

  4. Marshrutkas are great for inter-city. They need to be banned intra-city and replaced with busses that can transport more people.

  5. Alarmed_Will_8661 on

    We need more train lines, ideally to every town/city in the country

  6. I dont know why people are hating here. Its perfectly possible to replace them with regular buses or small size buses

  7. Why, who asked for this?
    Where are the studies that show this will help anyone with anything?

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