Pierre Poilievre wurde von Gegnern kritisiert, weil er vorgeschlagen hatte, dass Israel iranische Atomanlagen angreifen sollte



  1. amazingmrbrock on

    I mean… It was a fairly unhinged comment by any standards. Definitely not something you want a potential leader of the country saying.

  2. Greyhulksays on

    “quash hope for peace in the Middle East”

    People here seem to think you can just live and let live with Jihadi Islamists. Israel spent 11 months barely responding to Hezbollah and that just emboldened them. In the last few weeks they have hit them hard and NOW Hezbollah has changed their position and offered a ceasefire not contingent on Gaza.

  3. notpoleonbonaparte on

    I mean surely if we just let Iran be, they will stop inciting and feeding conflict all over the region. We just need to wait another few years. I promise it will work this time.

  4. The blood thirst of people who unconditionally approve of anything Israel does or ever could do is very troubling.

    I don’t have nearly enough information to act as an authority on this subject, neither do these people but that doesn’t stop them. I’m not taking a side. But these people are messed up in the brain.

  5. martymcfly9888 on

    Currently, Nato begging – Begging – Canada to beef up spending on miliary. US senators have written letters to the PM. And every Canadian knows that our military is a laughing stock.

    The rest of the world seems to know something our government doesn’t seem to want to accept: that there are players out there who are looking for a fight.

    Iran – amongst others – is one of them.

    War may be coming. If you ask people , people acknowledge the world is in bad shape. Canada does not have the means to defend itself.

    So – if Israel does destroy their nuclear facilities – It IS doing Canada and its allies a favor.

  6. banjosuicide on

    NATO has been threatening Russia with retaliation if they attack Ukrainian nuclear power plants. Not sure why we would encourage Israel to do what we’re telling Russia not to.

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