Offenbar ist Russland bereit, einen umfassenden Krieg gegen zivile Schiffe im Schwarzen Meer zu entfesseln. 5 Tote, 9 Verletzte durch russischen Raketenangriff auf das unter Panama-Flagge fahrende Containerschiff, IMO 9216729 SHUI SPIRIT, in der Region Odessa
They do realize how US involvement in the War of 1812, the Barbary Coast, WWII, WWI etc started, yes?
Let them fuck up and hit an American boat
Hmmm. Isn’t this the third or fourth ship within a week?
One has to wonder about the russian perspective on this: why is it (the Kremlin) escalating in this way – what does it hope to achieve? And why now?
Oh look, more terror without consequences.
Sounds like piracy to me.
Sink some of his tankers and this shit would stop.
Don’t fuck with the boats.
If civilian ships headed to Ukrainian ports are fair game, then civilian ships heading to Russian ports are fair game.