Russische Lagerbasis für Shahed-Drohne explodiert in Oktyabrsky, Berichten zufolge wurde sie von der ukrainischen Marschflugrakete R-360 „Neptune“ getroffen. Region Krasnodar. 9. Oktober 2024

Von jisooya1432


  1. For American taxpayers, it is more viable to let Ukraine hit targets inside Russia and save the very expensive anti-aircraft missiles used in anti-aircraft defense

  2. KaziViking on

    Burn baby burn !!!

    Putin ! Can you hear the drums of war ?

    Putin ! Yes, the day WILL come !!!

  3. ThirstyOne on

    Nyet, ams not UAV storage facility. Ams happy-funtimeski Lunapark full of joys for childrens. Protestski against Ukraine! (If Ukraine got the same protest treatment as israel).

  4. SirDanneskjold on

    Neptune has a range of 200k, this city looks further than that from Ukrainian territory or contested water. Any insight on how it could have been delivered?

  5. DeadCheckR1775 on

    Looks pretty close to a residential area. About a second between big flash and hearing the boom.

  6. Who wants to join me in a petition to Putin to get the public better trained in how to calmly, steadily hold a camera even at mortal risk of life. This is your immortality people, blyating film it well!!

  7. ARazorbacks on

    The person filming sounds scared while watching an arms depot explode. This asshole needs to be shown the smart phone footage from Ukraine of people getting hit by Russian cruise missiles while getting coffee or driving by a school. 

    I find it very difficult to muster up any empathy. 

  8. So neptune are finally rolling out of the production line again????

  9. Mmmmmmm_Bacon on

    I love seeing these firework shows!! Can’t wait to see more!

  10. MintMrChris on

    At some point someone in russia had to remember that during the soviet times most of the good shit was made by Ukraine

    And now they are turning that ability to developing drones and cruise missiles to blow up russia

    tbh Neptune seems to have a good name for itself

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