Gibt es in Luxemburg noch ehrliche Politiker oder sind sie alle in Korruption und Interessenkonflikte verwickelt? Ich verfolge die Lux-Politik noch nicht lange, aber es scheint, dass viele von ihnen irgendwann Probleme hatten, und es scheint nicht einmal ein großes Problem zu sein. Gibt es eine Partei, die „sauberer“ ist als die anderen?

Von Boring_Word_5805


  1. Some-Yoghurt-7629 on

    There are no “clean” or good politicians in this world, and it is not because humans are bad, it just the system and conditions force them to become such. If we bring to power person with best human values, after some time he will become like others. We really need to change the system globally, become single civilisation with self governance of society, so that every person on the planet will have a small amount of power. This will solve many societal problems like wars for example, or corruption.

  2. There are some good fellas out there. They all like money and they usually get what they want. But not all . There is hope good , critical and thoughtful action is what leads us everyday on that chamber

  3. Why focus on a single Country? Politics are a breeding ground for scumbags as far as the idea of politics exists. The situation in Luxembourg isn’t as bad as some places but it’s certainly not ideal.

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