Justin Timberlakes „Marriage Crisis“: „Cry Me A River“-Sänger bricht Auftritt plötzlich ab, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass er mit einer Freundin unterwegs war Nacht der Trunkenheit am Steuer



  1. cowdoyspitoon on

    This man was overdue if you ask me. Always been kinda lowkey shady

  2. Lavender_rain_2000 on

    I don’t understand the connection… he can’t perform to his audience because he is fighting with his wife?

  3. Otherwise-Mango2732 on

    It wasn’t suddenly revealed. It was known that night but it was supposed to be a friend. She even drove back to the scene of the arrest

  4. Clean_Ad_5683 on

    He has cheated on her so many times…she definitely deserves better.

  5. Various_Thanks_3495 on

    JT deserves a downfall – he’s built a career off of misogyny.

  6. He posted on his insta that the show was cancelled cause of an injury. Is that just a cover story?

  7. Lol nice cover story bro. Let’s not forget you smelled strongly of Poppers among other intoxicants. I doubt some hot chick was snorting RUSH with you bro 🤣🤣🤣

  8. Igotshiptodotoday on

    So that’s why he looks like he’s experiencing literal turmoil in the mug shot.

  9. So be puts Britney on blast for cheating on him but then proceeds to habitually cheat on his wife? And still tries to avoid blame of any kind?

    God he is such a douchebag.

  10. Men could be with the most attractive women and still cheat. I just don’t understand the audacity of mediocre men.

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