Wissenschaftler haben den Kopf eines Arthropleura gefunden, des größten Arthropoden, der je gelebt hat | Bei der Entdeckung im Jahr 1854 war es noch niemandem gelungen, ein Fossil des 300 Millionen Jahre alten Tausendfüßlers zu finden, das einen Kopf enthielt
>Two newly discovered fossils are helping scientists wrap their heads around the anatomy of the largest arthropod of all time — **a millipede that grew longer than a king-sized bed** and lived between 346 million and 290 million years ago.
Not to be confused with the magical liopleurodon.
We are lucky that nature resulted in many organism evolving into smaller versions of themselves. Centipedes, millipedes, spiders, insects are scary enough even when they are small.
And it looks…..more or less exactly how we assumed an *Arthropleura* head would. Way to go, invert palaeo people!