Ungeachtet dessen, was die Hasser sagen, können sich die Bundesliberalen vieler Errungenschaften rühmen



  1. Justin Trudeau and his party have been unfairly vilified for factors out of the federal government’s control. They are clearly the best choice to lead this country going forward.

    Not a single major issue the country is facing can justifiably be attributed to the federal government. It is blatantly obvious that incompetent Conservative provincial governments are entirely to blame.

    Canadians should be quite grateful that we have had a federal government that has masterfully tackled difficult challenges, including a global pandemic, over the past decade. They will thus justifiably reward the Liberal-NDP pseudo-coalition in the upcoming election by re-electing them to power.

  2. dingobangomango on

    The problem is that everything in Trudeau’s LPC legacy just isn’t ringing well with Canadians or isn’t their top priority anymore.

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