also see r/dryzempic for people who are using GLP-1RAs to quit drinking
diagrammatiks on
Literally no desire for alcohol.
MemberOfInternet1 on
>”Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-based therapies, effective in treating obesity and type 2 diabetes, hold potential for reducing alcohol-seeking behaviour. ”
How unexpected, another positive effect of Ozempic. It just never ends.
CaptainSnatchbox on
Im going into my fourth month of use and i have not had any positive effects from the medication. Just 3 months of feeling food poisoning every single day. Pretty terrible experience so far. Maybe i lost 10lbs but it seems more because of change in what i eat and nothing to do with the medication.
flibbidygibbit on
I only drink during special occasions, and limit myself to two. It’s the easiest calorie cut I make. If this habit helps me keep my naturally produced glp1, then yay.
Ok_Dragonfruit_8102 on
Is that why I can eat my evening meal, go out to the bar for drinks and then be hungry enough to eat some huge takeout burger at midnight?
juliogetsjiggy on
So there’s evidence that GLP-1’s are effecting the part of the brain that deals with desires, so ozempic could technically be used to fight addictions of all kinds even gambling.
[deleted] on
Slouchingtowardsbeth on
I thought ozempic was a glp-1 inhibitor. So does that mean alcohol decreases glp-1 inhibition? Or am I thinking of this wrong?
Sure-Cauliflower-806 on
I’ve always had a raging appetite from alcohol. I would feel insatiable until I sobered up. It’s validating to see a scientific explanation.
also see r/dryzempic for people who are using GLP-1RAs to quit drinking
Literally no desire for alcohol.
>”Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)-based therapies, effective in treating obesity and type 2 diabetes, hold potential for reducing alcohol-seeking behaviour. ”
How unexpected, another positive effect of Ozempic. It just never ends.
Im going into my fourth month of use and i have not had any positive effects from the medication. Just 3 months of feeling food poisoning every single day. Pretty terrible experience so far. Maybe i lost 10lbs but it seems more because of change in what i eat and nothing to do with the medication.
I only drink during special occasions, and limit myself to two. It’s the easiest calorie cut I make. If this habit helps me keep my naturally produced glp1, then yay.
Is that why I can eat my evening meal, go out to the bar for drinks and then be hungry enough to eat some huge takeout burger at midnight?
So there’s evidence that GLP-1’s are effecting the part of the brain that deals with desires, so ozempic could technically be used to fight addictions of all kinds even gambling.
I thought ozempic was a glp-1 inhibitor. So does that mean alcohol decreases glp-1 inhibition? Or am I thinking of this wrong?
I’ve always had a raging appetite from alcohol. I would feel insatiable until I sobered up. It’s validating to see a scientific explanation.