Geben Sie den Regierungen und nicht den Einwanderern die Schuld für die Immobilienkrise


  1. AIStoryBot400 on

    You can blame governments for allowing so many immigrants

    And you can blame people who cheat the immigration systems

  2. Definitely blaming the government, but let’s not pretend that people aren’t all too happy to defraud the system in a variety of ways, from pretending that they have money to study here as international students, hunger strikes for PR, ripping up passports upon arrival to claim asylum, lying about being persecuted in their home country… the list goes on.

    Our government’s lack of safeguards is the biggest problem here, but I have nothing good to say about the people coming in who are fraudulent and dishonest.

  3. Complex_Challenge156 on

    Build X houses in a year, bring in X + 700,000 people into the country in a year, rents are going to explode. No amount of hand wringing is going to change that.

  4. Yes but also blame the immigration consultants and agencies who are defrauding the system. And blame the corporations who want cheap labour.

  5. UnionGuyCanada on

    Government got rid of public housing, feeding us to the private sector, who they have let develop massive corporations and private owners of huge numbers of homes and rental units.

      They own enough of the sector that they can control the price, regardless of supply.

  6. lolokaychief on

    Critics of Canada’s lax immigration system HAVE been blaming the governmemt.

    But it always gets interpreted back to us as “you are blaming this one specific brown person. How dare you!”

    In the 2021 election debate, Trudeau and Singh both called Bernier a racist for wanting to cap immigration at 200k a year

  7. SabrinaR_P on

    Blame all levels governments, from municipal and up. Don’t let your premiers make it seem like it’s an exclusively federal issue.

  8. Headstone66692 on

    They are both to blame. Government for enabling it, immigrants for scamming mortgages within their communities and coming to a country that lives one per bedroom and accepting to live 4 per bedroom. I don’t even know anyone on welfare who lives two to a bedroom.

  9. PatriotofCanada86 on

    The government deserves the blame.

    Unfortunately many non permanent residents need to leave to properly address our housing, employment and wage suppression issues.

    They agreed to come here temporarily and many refuse to leave.

    Some have abused our Immigration system, Temporary Foreign Worker Program, Student visa system and Asylum system

    Quote “temporary residents volume has increased significantly, now reaching up to 2.5 million (6.2% of our population, in 2023).”

    Quote “Canada’s unemployment rate rises to 6.4%”

    NPRs are 6.2% of our population.

    Canadians are at 6.4% unemployment.

    Did you know the student visa requirements dictate and I quote

    -prove you have enough money to pay for
    your tuition fees

    -living expenses for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada and

    -return transportation for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada

    -obey the law, have no criminal record and get a police certificate (if required)

    -are in good health and get a medical exam (if required) and

    -prove to an officer that you will leave Canada when your study permit expires”

    Quote taken from

    If they need work or use food banks that is evidence of false statements on their entry documents and forgery of financial statements.

    Our asylum system is for those truly in need.

    For those escaping wars, genocides etc

    If they have passed through safe areas such as the USA they should not be eligible for asylum unless previously agreed such as Ukranian refugees.

    There is the serious issue of taking in military aged men from radicalized regions with no reliable way to prove who they are.

    Triage methods should apply saving those we can such as Women and children should be the focus from radicalized regions.

    Lest we forget letting terrorists into Canada while intentionally sabotaging security screening.

    Quote “As the Trudeau government promises to crack down on a temporary foreign worker program it admits has been abused, a Star investigation has revealed the government is fast-tracking applications by directing processing officers to skip crucial steps designed to prevent fraud.

    Beginning in January 2022, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) directed staff to apply “streamlining measures” when evaluating the legitimacy of applications” End quote

    Some NPRs don’t want to leave.

    This isn’t about the colour of anyone’s skin.

    Do not lie on government forms.

    Use the real immigration process to live here permanently.

    We will need proper immigration once the TFW program is abolished.

    Those who didn’t lie, did not exploit services and did not protest or refuse to leave should be fast tracked via proper immigration.

    I want those people as my neighbours.

  10. No one serious is blaming immigrants but the angle that the.volume of immigrants don’t create pressures on housing is not resonating with anyone as it’s untrue.

    We blame government for loosening immigration requirements

    Also OP you’re post history suggests your pro immigration so appreciate you trying to make this differentiation but may want to pull back on cheerleading immigration as the only solution to our problems

  11. BuvantduPotatoSpirit on

    I blame voters. It’s municipal voters giving incentives to municipal politicians, and people who turn up to vote municipally *hate* new housing, unless it’s real expensive.

  12. Not trying to defend Trudeau, but I do think lack of housing is caused more by lack of supply, less by increasing demand. High interest rate is not helping, but zoning is the bigger issue here.

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