Péter Magyar und Viktor Orbán treffen sich zum ersten Mal im Europäischen Parlament


Von WolfyHowler360


  1. gergohungary on

    If Magyar had been a prosecutor instead of a lawyer, he could have arrested Orbán immediately.

  2. Traditional-Candy-21 on

    Obran is such a corrupt self serving traitorous pig, why does Hungary tolerate him.

  3. I just realized this guy’s name is literally the Hungarian variant of our first Prime Minister’s: Petre Roman.

    Here’s to hoping your guy’s less of a spineless POS that our guy was.

  4. Incorrigible_Gaymer on

    Magyar. Not gonna lie, it’s probably the best surname a Hungarian politician can have.

  5. I hope we can achieve change with this guy, he gained insane momentum in a few months’ time. And I also hope he doesn’t turn out to be just as bad

  6. Aromatic-Musician774 on

    I’m looking at this image from body language perspective. Peter standing looks like a chad, assertive alpha and bringing out his aura in front of Orban. Then I see Orban, reserved, retreated beta male.

  7. What does Péter Magyar stand for? Right wing, left wing? Pro or anti Russia? Pro or anti EU?

  8. dat_9600gt_user on

    I’m sure he had to restrain ever cell in his body from doing the same faceslap as Juncker did.

  9. AstroMackem on

    Also in attendance were Pierre Francais, Hans Deutch, and Mario Italiano

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