Unternehmerverband der Innenstadt fordert Kautionsreform, um die öffentliche Sicherheit auf städtischen Straßen wiederherzustellen | CBC-Nachrichten



  1. BertramPotts on

    ‘Bail reform’, as that phrase was originally intended, is supposed to about making bail more equitable and more easily accessed by the underprivileged. This campaign is just about foregoing the bail process to lock up people without the inconvenience of a trial or evidence.

    Notice no one is calling to hire more judges to clear the backlog of accused people languishing on bail.

  2. Longtimelurker2575 on

    The whole system is garbage, we need cases to be handled faster to clear backlogs. If that is because of a lack of judges then hire more. If it is because of prosecutors or defense attorneys frivolously delaying then that needs to be cracked down on. Either way it needs to be more efficient. Police actually doing their jobs would be nice too. They seem to treat theft as an inconvenience and can’t be bothered to even apprehend thieves when the exact location of stolen goods is provided to them. Also more severe sentencing for repeat offenders should be implemented, the revolving door complaint is justified.

  3. People need to get offline and go outside. This fear of a hellscape where criminals never go to jail and bail is evil and wrong they have been force fed daily has ruined their brains.

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