Anti-israelischer Demonstrant aus Vancouver verbrennt Flagge und ruft „Tod für Kanada“


  1. SuperDuperSaturation on

    I love how covering up is a virtuous thing for women and for men… just super convenient… If they had the courage of their convictions why not show their faces?

    These thugs need to be deported back to where they want to actually be from.

  2. QuicksandHUM on

    What will it be like when they have the numbers to assert their beliefs?

  3. Maximum_Security_747 on

    they’re riding the wave of idealistic college students but they’ll show themselves for what they are before long

  4. They’re protesting anonymously. Time to expose who they are, let their employers/landlords/neighbours know who they are and what they’re espousing. If they’re here on a visa, hate speech is grounds for revoking it. This isn’t freedom of expression, its calling for violence.

  5. The real test if these people are Canadian is if they apologize for saying that.

  6. I don’t get why these protests happen in Canada. In the USA, it is understandable because they fund Israel, but wtf did Canada do? This is why Canada has to be less liberal and not let every tom dick and Harry protest shit happening in their own country

  7. WoolaTheCalot on

    How about just get the whole crowd to start pointing and laughing at them and playing Benny Hill music really loud?

  8. ThemosttrustedFries on

    What are they doing in Canada if they hate the country? Of course it’s always stupid anti Israel protests and T sympatisere. Where are the protests for the Kurds? The protests for Muslims in China which are actually under death/brainwash camps.

  9. The world is complicated and the future is uncertain for everyone… except the smart people who make flags. 

  10. Newstargirl on

    If you do not like it here in Canada, please leave and take your hate with you.

  11. -ModsAreReallyEvil- on

    I mean, I’m not surprised at all. Most of these protestors hate the west.

  12. Just more terrorists showing their colors. Funny how all the people attacking Israel also want the country they’re in to burn to the ground.

  13. squidpodiatrist on

    Kind of an intense move on the protestors part. Was the protest violent or peaceful?
    I knew people who did organizing and it tends to attract some weird people. Harmless people, but people who liked to yell into loudspeakers

  14. Sea_Perception_2017 on

    If you despise the country so much, why are they still there? They can go somewhere else where this kind of behaviour is acceptable.

  15. castlebanks on

    They should be shipped to Gaza to assist their Palestinian brethren in their progressive, pro LGBT, pro women fight. Oh wait…

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