Code + Stiftplotter + Aquarell

    Von SatisfactionRich9721


    1. _Mausername_ on

      Dang. That’s awesome. How many hours do you think you have into it?

    2. VinlandRocks on

      Ive got decent gis understanding and have done a couple courses in it and and have a good bit of experience with Q doing geological maps and trail maps. I also used to illustrate a lot and have a lot of pens for it still. I have very elementary coding skills.
      I have no idea what a pen plotter is or what code you’re referring to.

      Can someone please take the time to walk me through how to do this.

      Im in geology and this could really step my game up in regional reports and diagrams long term.

    3. jinglemebro on

      Can you add a little technical detail. Plotter, code base, pens, paper very cool. Would you consider opening source?

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