Laut US-Jury hat Cognizant nicht-indische Arbeitnehmer diskriminiert und H-1B-Inhabern den Vorzug gegeben


  1. Wish they would scrap or at least massively cut the H1 program.

    Its not 2010 anymore, we have enough domestic tech workers, thanks.

  2. wanted_to_upvote on

    I am only surprised that it went to court and won. Good job.

  3. 50YrOldNoviceGymMan on

    The H-1B program is not exclusive to Indians only is it ?

  4. H1B neess removed, period. There is ero reason they can’t hire domestic. If the skill doesn’t exist then the companies need to pay for it. If it cost executives bonuses then so be it. One of the many reasons we have the problems we do today, is in the early 2000s. It was go for a texh degree you will be set! Then we did and companies realized what they would have to pay. Then lobbyists went ham on H1Bs and got the program limits nurtured. So they could hire for anything and import workers. All of us tech workers, git out of college and the jobs were gone. Entry-level positions all magically required 5 years experience. For products that had been out for 3. It only got worse from there. Time to end the program or the company has to prove wothout a doubt that its impossible to source and train domestically.

  5. Anon101010101010 on

    I have lost count of how many times I have had to train my H1B replacements over the years before being laid off. The whole program needs to be ended.

  6. Tech bros seem real pro-immigratio right until they have to train their H1-B’s lol

  7. daveyhempton on

    It’s not just Cognizant and WITCH companies. Other tech companies are complicit in this for a number of reasons. The lottery program needs to end and the loopholes need to be closed

    The unfortunate thing is that Dems are never going to end it because it may make them look racist and Reps are just trash on every other issue even though they may be helpful here

  8. shut_up_donkey on

    Companies like SAP have built their entire business model building overly complex software solutions intended to be supported by cheap offshore labor. Without it, the cost of ownership would be astronomical.

    Don’t agree with it, but that’s the reality.

  9. I worked for a boutique IT company that was acquired by Cognizant and the second they mentioned creating runbooks to train other teams to do our jobs I quit.

  10. oh2ridemore on

    Always the cheaper worker will win out. Right now h1bs and college graduates are cheaper.

  11. whitephantomzx on

    I’m working in travel in a tech city and basically all are corporate travel is now hb workers .

    It’s such a scam colleges get to charge citizens whatever they want because they have no choice while company’s get to import workers who can’t job hop due to there visa .

    It’s never about the people it’s always company’s trying to make more money.

  12. Don’t pay attention to that! The real problem is all the people coming across the southern border… (sarcasm)

  13. I saw this at Amazon too. Indian managers on h1b would almost exclusively hire Indian h1b staff even when other more qualified candidates were available.

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