Ungarn wird einer Änderung der Sanktionen gegen eingefrorene russische Vermögenswerte bis zu den US-Wahlen nicht zustimmen



  1. Gordon_in_Ukraine on

    That fat fuck is praying that Trump wins, so he and Trump can trade off fellating Putin. Hopefully soon after taking office Harris sends him a message that is diplomatic speak for “get your shit together or I’ll put your balls in a vice and SQUEEEEZE.”

  2. QuotableMorceau on

    they have exactly 3 months of cheapo gas&oil via Ukraine, expect more vocal tantrums ….

  3. SockPuppet-47 on

    The Number of Putin’s Puppets in the World is Too Goddamn High

  4. TicketFew9183 on

    That’s good, can’t rush decisions until the American people make their choice since it’s so close to election time.

  5. SirBerticus on

    Change how the EU works so ONE single member cannot hold up the ENTIRE rest of Europe. This contradicts the definition of the word Democracy.

  6. Let me guess, he still wants west ukraine, which was promised to him by putin

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