Zurück zur alten Schule: Schulen in Dänemark sperren Smartphones während des Schultags ein


Von euronews-english


  1. Good. I may sound like a boomer but smartphones are turning the kids’ heads to mush.

  2. I wish this would also happen here in Germany.
    It is so disheartening to see patterns of addiction in so many of my students on a daily basis…

  3. dat_9600gt_user on

    Remember the new wave of flip phones?

    Yeah, this is about to happen even more so, but this time for real and not as smartphones.

  4. Galway1012 on

    This is currently in the news here in Ireland too. The Government, in its last Budget, has allocated €9m to buying magnetically sealed pouches for phones belonging to students.

    The Opposition, schools and Teacher Associations have all said it is a waste of funding and could’ve been spent elsewhere within the education and mental health services.

  5. Incorrigible_Gaymer on

    They’ll gonna be buying cheap, used ones just to fill the lockers and keep the “main” ones on them. Teenage kids aren’t stupid.

  6. Lanternestjerne on

    In some schools in Denmark but not all and it has been going on for a few years

  7. Emergency_Spring24 on

    What is the legal ground for taking away someone else’s property and locking it up?

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