Die Hisbollah unterstützt zum ersten Mal die Waffenstillstandsbemühungen des Libanon, während Israel seine Offensive verstärkt



  1. StarDolphin63 on

    I wouldn’t trust any ceasefire endorsement from a group like Hezbollah

  2. ImprovementSilly2895 on

    It has been really strange. Hezbollah allegedly has 100,000 soldiers and 150,000 missiles but all they have done is fired off a few hundred volleys. They are either in complete command disarray or purposely refraining.

  3. StedeBonnet1 on

    You can take it to the bank that if Hezbollah is calling for a cease fire they are losing. Israel is hitting them where it hurts.

  4. >““We support the political efforts led by (Parliament Speaker Nabih) Berri under the banner of achieving a ceasefire. Once the ceasefire is firmly established and diplomacy can reach it, all other details will be discussed and decisions will be made collaboratively,” Deputy Secretery General Naim Qassem said.”

    That isn’t how a ceasefire works. You have to discuss the details, to be able to execute the diplomacy, to be able to reach the ceasefire agreement. Not all the way to a final peace treaty, but enough to provide confidence that pausing hostilities is worthwhile.

    This is a propaganda statement vs. sincere participation. You can tell because it is pretending the work and negotiation doesn’t need to happen in order for a ceasefire agreement to be reached.

    A step in the right direction, but not nearly enough to be real or meaningful.

    To put things more bluntly: This is exactly how you (1) enable someone not to participate in the negotiations and then (2) use the fact that they weren’t included in negotiations to violate the resulting ceasefire at their earliest convenience. We’ve tried that – it doesn’t work. It never will. We need to stop falling for it.

  5. supercyberlurker on

    Terrorist Tactics 101:

    1. Attack the enemy with every murderous genocidal rapey weapon.

    2. When the enemy retaliates, demand a ceasefire in the name of peace.

  6. epicredditdude1 on

    Nah fuck that, Hezbollah can disarm and surrender but I don’t know why anyone thinks Israel is morally obligated to engage in ceasefire negotiations.

  7. Why are they asking for a ceasefire if a ceasefire has been in place since 2006, enforced by UN peacekeepers? /s

  8. PreparationLoud8790 on

    ceasefire please so we can prepare another terrorist attack, as our beliefs are unchanged.

  9. Serious_Journalist14 on

    Ceasefire but only one side ceases the fire is what they meant

  10. Muted_Lengthiness523 on

    No quarter. For an entire year Israel is asking you to hold your fire and thousands of rockets aimed at Israeli cities you don’t get to set the terms. Surrender or be crushed.

  11. AerieStrict7747 on

    Israel wiped the floor with Hezbollah lmfao, I can’t even keep track of all the dead

  12. Weird, I heard from random twitter users that Hezbollah was totally crushing the IDF

  13. Hezbollah wants some breathing room to regroup, rearm and restructure its chain of command. Israel should not give it any time to recover. Israel is so close to victory. It shouldn’t stop now.

  14. BadHombreSinNombre on

    Who tf is left alive in Hezbollah leadership to guarantee the troops actually respect a ceasefire?

  15. I’d return with an armistice or peace treaty offer.

    (You know… actual, long-term peace offers.)

    If Hezbollah says no, then they’ve show their hand. That any offer they make is only so they can regroup, rearm, and attack.

  16. So it turns out that turning residential homes into ammo dumps wasn’t a great strategic move. 

  17. iamtheweaseltoo on

    Well well well, it turns out you CAN defeat a terrorist group if you hit them hard enough

  18. Fires 8500 rockets since oct 8th… then calls for a ceasefire once Israel hits back hard, enforcing UN resolution 1701..

  19. gormgonzola on

    This is where you turn the deaf ear and push twice as hard to milk the last pus from the boil.

  20. woman_president on

    Hmm… maybe we should instead use this opportunity to free Lebanon from a terrorist group that effectively runs the country due to being stronger than the actual military…

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