Australisches Gericht verurteilt Mann wegen verbotenem Hitlergruß


  1. Dunkdunkglunk on

    *| the gesture wasn’t a salute and that the ban unconstitutionally infringed upon Hersant’s implied freedom of political communication.*

    Who raised y’all!

  2. I assume you can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater in Australia comparable to the US… However, the US does allow the nazi salute, and labels it as free speech, which is ridiculous.

  3. pickledplumber on

    That is crazy. Y’all got to do better. Putting somebody in jail over expression is backwards. Sure you may not like it. But freedom of speech is important

  4. Fuck that guy.

    Fundamentally I disagree with outright banning particular gestures, but I believe the law is against doing it in a threatening or intimidating manner.

    That’s much easier to live with.

  5. YogurtclosetGlass854 on

    Thats a step in a good direction! Take care of the terrorists flags next!

  6. britannicker on

    Hersant … gave the salute and praised Nazi leader Adolf Hitler … six days after the Victoria state government had made the salute illegal.

    Classic FAFO

  7. impermanentvoid on

    Freedom of expression comes with consequences. This is how freedom works. And this Nazi is now receiving the consequences of his freedom derived through expression. People need to read law and fully comprehend what freedom is. Freedom of speech or other forms of freedoms are not some open invite to spread hate. America or Australia, freedom isnt free, fuck around and find out.

  8. No_Fail4267 on

    Good. We need to start doing this in the US. Germany & Australia know you can’t let this shit go unchecked… 

  9. Americans are welcome to their much looser ideas regarding free speech but I’m happy to have our stricter interpretation.

  10. Key_Scientist5686 on

    Austrakians are awesome!! Do not let nazis and ultra-rights tale advantage in your country!

  11. Recent_File8429 on

    That’s the most 45-looking supposedly 25-year-old I’ve seen

  12. So this is a minefield but I’ll ask the question anyway… are these kinds of actions protected under parody laws? One thinks of the Fawlty Towers episode where John Cleese’s character mimics Nazi behaviour and (from memory) salutes multiple times.

    Would this episode be banned now? Would John Cleese be charged if he re-enacted this scene on Australian soil?

    Genuinely curious how this would play out.

    Because if this kind of thing was protected then could this guy not used that as a defence? Or did the Court determine intent in this case?

  13. Pure_Dream3045 on

    Ok now he can use the excuse of not arresting the protestors for holding up pictures of terrorists.

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