Ich weiß nicht, ob das schon jemand gefragt hat oder ob ich einfach nur dumm bin, aber ich frage trotzdem. Neulich war ich also in Baden und bemerkte, dass diese Stangen über der Limmat hingen. Ich konnte online keine Antwort finden und es störte mich so sehr, dass ich beschloss, euch alle danach zu fragen. Vielleicht kann mir jemand erklären, wofür diese Stangen sind?
Dank im Voraus.
Von ElectricalPlane3882
You see, every gust of Alpine wind that rustles the cheese-making valleys passes through these poles first, ensuring the optimal aeration required for creating those perfect holes in the cheese. Without this meticulous airflow management, Swiss cheese would be as solid as a Dutch block of Gouda—an unthinkable catastrophe for Swiss national identity!
I think they indicate the safe “driving lane” for water vehicles. They adjust themselves based on the water height i.e. If there is more water they are further apart. Water vehicles can use them for navigation to avoid hitting the ground.
Dude, you can’t just go around asking people about the poles. Have some decency
What are you racist for? Have some Pole friends and they are smart and hard working people, reported
Its shark traps, underneeth the surface its a hugh net to catch the great white.
No c’mon
Those are for submarine landing guidance