Bei WRC laufen Rechtsstreitigkeiten, während Arbeitgeber sich darauf vorbereiten, die Fernarbeit einzuschränken

Von sewalsh


  1. under-secretary4war on

    I’ll be the senior A&L good body manager advising is able to work from home. Or their holiday home.

  2. Imbecile_Jr on

    RTO, in Dublin? With property prices the way they are, with our pathetic public transportation infrastructure, with our soul crushing traffic? I can imagine a good few workers getting the fuck out of dodge into a country run by people who actually know what they’re doing.

  3. WellWellWell2021 on

    You can tell by the amount of traffic on the m50 and the packed trains and buses that wfh is nowhere near where or used to be.

    If í was a recruitment agent I would partner with companies who offered remote working and then I would have staff hand out flyers on the buses and trains in the mornings with my number and saying “want to remote work, call us and end your commute misery”.

  4. AbradolfLincler77 on

    Workers need to stand strong on this one. There’s no reason for anyone to have to commute to an office every day if their job can be done from home. It saves the environment, traffic and cost to the employees. Make employer’s have to pay for commuting time and we’ll see how quick they back down from this nonsense.

  5. “*Gotta pay rent on them office blocks, can’t have the already wealthy lose out on thier investments, fuck you peasants*” 

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