Die rechtsextreme rumänische Europaabgeordnete Diana Șoșoacă bezeichnete das oberste Gericht des Landes als „politisiert“, nachdem es sie ohne Angabe von Gründen von der Kandidatenliste für die Präsidentschaftswahlen im November gestrichen hatte.


Von st0rmax404


  1. Capital2077 on

    As a Romanian,thank god she is off the lists.

    This lady is an embarrassment to our country. She had to be removed from an EU Parliament meeting because she kept screaming about how the right to abortion is against God’s will and that they’re all going to hell.

    All she does is scream incoherently while constantly having a victim complex and claiming that everyone is against her.

    She’s like a banshee Trump.

  2. The_memeperson on

    >courts did their jobs

    >it happened to be against someone from the far-right

    >calls the courts politicized

    >a classic far-right moment

  3. SamirCasino on

    All you need to know about her is that after being banned from the presidential election, she posted “long live the Legion and the Captain, they were murdered by the same jewish power that acted now.”

    The Legionary movement is Romania’s fascist movement during ww2. Ya know, the whole 9 yards, perpetrating the Holocaust and such. She’s been screaming about jewish world conspiracies and the khazar conspiracy and … pretty much every conspiracy you can think of.

    Don’t make the mistake of thinking of her as similar to other far right, trump-like, afd or fidesz party. We have that too, it’s the party ( AUR ) that kicked her out for being too extreme.

    She is straight up, unapologetically, a nazi. There is no way around it.

    As for how she was banned from the election, or why, and who it benefits, and if it was undemocratic or an abuse of power, i won’t get into that, i just want to make clear that this woman is several orders of magnitude more far-right than what most people picture. There is no dog whistle, no beating around the bush, she’s glorifying the romanian equivalent to the Nazi party.

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