Die Hisbollah „befiehlt Kämpfern, nicht in der Nähe des irischen UN-Stützpunkts zu schießen“, da sie Israel beschuldigt, Friedenstruppen als menschliche Schutzschilde einzusetzen



  1. homecinemad on

    From the article part 1

    Taoiseach Simon Harris agrees to stay in ‘close contact’ with UN Secretary General António Guterres

    Defence Forces says Israel has recently breached the Blue Line in multiple areas, ‘raising significant concerns’

    UN raises concerns over presence of IDF near Unifil outpost where 33 Irish soldiers are locked down. 

    Hezbollah has reportedly instructed fighters not to target Israeli forces near a UN peacekeeper base in the Lebanese border town of Maroun al-Ras where Irish troops are stationed.

    In a statement reported in local media, the Iran-backed militant group said the Israeli military is engaging in “unusual activities” near a UNIFIL base in the village.

    According to a statement by one of the group’s field commanders given to Lebanon’s Al Mayadeen broadcaster on Monday, the field office commander said Hezbollah fighters were asked to not engage Israeli forces in the area to protect the UN peacekeepers.

    In a post on X, the pro-Hezbollah news site said: “A field officer in the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon revealed that the Israeli occupation forces are using UNIFIL personnel as human shields to cover up their inability to advance on the ground.”

    The platoon of Irish soldiers have been locked down at the Irish base along the so-called ‘Blue Line’ since last Monday when the perimeter of their base was swarmed by Israeli Merkava tanks.

    The Israeli army dug in around the Irish base and engaged Hezbollah in heavy rocket and gunfire that persisted throughout the weekend.

    Irish UN troops maintain a large base, Camp Shamrock, and two outposts along the Blue Line – the de facto border between Israel and Lebanon.

    One outpost is near the town of Yaroun and UNP 6-52, where the platoon of 33 Irish troops have been bunkered down since last week, is outside Maroun El-Ras.

    No supplies can be delivered to the outpost. One source they have just one week of rations left but “an adequate amount of water”.

    The outpost is approximately 6km from Camp Shamrock. There was “constant radio contact” between both camps, a source said.

    The UN has now raised concerns over the position of Israeli tanks near the peacekeeping post known as UNP 6-52, manned by Irish troops.

    In a statement this evening, a spokesperson for the Defence Forces said Israel has recently breached the Blue Line (BL) in multiple areas, “raising significant concerns, particularly regarding the breaches near our Irish Battalion posts”.

    “These incursions have been accompanied by the establishment of a new military zone on the Israeli side, suggesting an intent to expand operations further,” they said.

    “Additional incursions into other battalion areas along the BL were observed overnight, exacerbating tensions in the region.

    “As engagements have shifted north of UN Post 6-52, movement has become severely restricted. Road access has been curtailed due to these military actions, leading to the recommendation that sheltering in place remains the safest option at this time.

    “This is a fast moving and dynamic military situation, and it is important to have factual and accurate information, which our soldier’s presence provides.

    “The Battalion Commander and the Battalion Sergeant Major of the 124 Infantry Battalion are in constant contact with the personnel deployed in UNP 6-52, receiving updates on the situation throughout the day. DFHQ remain in constant contact with all relevant stakeholders.

    “Regarding personnel management and operational readiness, we maintain a standard leave policy that allows for personal rest and downtime.

    “Our operational planning, supported by multinational partnerships, ensures that we are well-equipped and adequately manned for our mission in Lebanon. Approximately 20pd of our troops are on leave at any given time, allowing essential personnel to remain available for operations while others take necessary breaks.

    “Our operational model is designed to maintain unit effectiveness without compromising readiness during leave periods. The presence of an additional Force Protection Platoon since mid-2024 has enhanced our operational flexibility, enabling us to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances on the ground and improving overall force protection.

  2. homecinemad on

    From the article part 2

    “Furthermore, our operational capacity is bolstered by contributions from Polish, Hungarian, and Maltese personnel. This multinational collaboration not only increases our manpower but also enhances our overall mission effectiveness, ensuring we remain robust and capable in fulfilling our objectives.”

    Meanwhile, Taoiseach Simon Harris this evening spoke to the UN Secretary General António Guterres about the escalating situation.

    “The Secretary General assured the Taoiseach that the safety of Irish peacekeepers is of paramount importance and to the fore of his mind,” a statement read.

    “António Guterres said that the UN’s Force Commander and colleagues are constantly evaluating the situation on the ground and that any necessary steps to ensure the safety of UN personnel would be taken. This would be done in very close cooperation with Ireland.

    “The Taoiseach reiterated it is unacceptable that UN resolutions and the Blue Line in Southern Lebanon have been breached and violated with IDF military activity.

    “The Secretary General said he shared the concern and engagement between the UN and Israel is ongoing.

    “He and the Taoiseach agreed to stay in close contact.”

    In a statement last night, Unifil – the UN mission in Lebanon – said the presence of IDF troops there was an “extremely dangerous development”.

    In a statement issued last night, Unifil said that it was “deeply concerned by recent activities by the IDF immediately adjacent to the mission’s position 6-52, southeast of Maroun El-Ras (Sector West), inside Lebanese territory.

    “The IDF has been repeatedly informed of this ongoing situation through regular channels.

    “This is an extremely dangerous development. It is unacceptable to compromise the safety of UN peacekeepers carrying out their Security Council-mandated tasks.”

    President Michael D Higgins described the “threat” to a peacekeeping force as “outrageous”.

    Tánaiste Micheál Martin also voiced his concern, saying in recent days the IDF had breached the Blue Line in several areas, including at the Irish battalion posts.

    “This is an unacceptable violation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701,” Mr Martin said.

    “There is an obligation on Israel and Hezbollah to respect the role of UN peacekeepers, their mandate, and do nothing that would put peacekeepers and our troops in particular in harm’s way.”

    Yesterday, the Taoiseach said the safety of Irish peacekeeping troops in Lebanon was under constant review.

    “I’m receiving updates on a very regular basis, several times a day,” he said.

    “Our peacekeepers are doing a great service, and I want to thank them for their bravery, their commitment and their determination to their task, and the advice from the UN is that it is safe for the mission to proceed.

    “But of course, that’s not to suggest that the situation is not dangerous. Of course, it is extremely dangerous. We’re continuing to monitor this… The safety of UN peacekeepers is absolutely paramount,” he added.

  3. It would be cool if the peacekeepers could ask the UN for an extension of their mandate to kick Hezbollah ass, but I think that is wishful thinking….

  4. Holy shit, the hypocrisy here is off the charts

    >In a post on X, the pro-Hezbollah news site said: “A field officer in the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon revealed that the Israeli occupation forces are using UNIFIL personnel as human shields to cover up their inability to advance on the ground.”

  5. AluminiumCucumbers on

    What a load of shit. UN doesn’t care if Hezb is in breach of Resolution 1701 for 18 years, but flips out when Israel finally decides enough is enough and does something about it.

  6. Reminds me of a movie I watched where Irish peacekeepers were under siege

  7. 0nlythiswasleft on

    Israel: UN peacekeepers leave the area.

    UN peacekeepers: NO.

    Israel: leave the area for your own safety.

    UN peacekeepers: NO NO NO NOOOOOO

    Hezbollah: Israel are using UN peacekeepers as human shields.

    Israel wants the UN peacekeepers to leave the area. They’re staying for one reason: so they can hinder Israeli forces. It’s Hezbollah hiding behind the UN peacekeepers, and the UN peacekeepers are happy to protect Hezbollah. Which they’ve been doing since 2006.

  8. RealBrobiWan on

    Israel: asks peacekeepers to leave so they can fight Hezzbollah who are entrenched in civilian areas
    Hezbollah: looks at Israel use human shields!

    Fucking a joke anybody takes them at their word

  9. _SpicyMeatball on

    So Irish UN peacekeepers complaining that Israel is doing the job that they agreed to do and were meant to do? And Hezbollah in close proximity pretending like Israel’s the ones using the Irish UN base as a shield. The world is mad.

  10. Hilarious coming from people who have been using their own population as human shields for decades.

    Or tragic. I can never tell those apart….

  11. ShiftyGorillla on

    What exactly is the purpose of UN “peacekeepers”. They seem more like minimum wage security guards.

    Stand back, take notes, report observations.

    The guns and armor must be for funsies I guess

  12. The fact that Hezbollah has to provide a specific reason for its fighters not to fire near the UN base in this specific moment kinda tells you everything you need to know about the UN presence in south Lebanon and how effectively it’s been doing its job.

  13. AgileBlackberry4636 on

    If an area is under control of UN forces and missile fly from there, aren’t they complicit of the outcome?

  14. Lol … said the human shield experts hiding in the middle of an urban city.

  15. MarzipanTop4944 on

    At this point, both should team up to fire on the “peace keepers” as punishment for failing so ridiculously bad at their job.

  16. Sidebottle on

    Everyone knows the Irish *defence* forces are Hezbollah human shields.

  17. GuyWithAComputer2022 on

    At first glance the thumbnail of the smoke cloud looked like Godzilla. That is all.

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