Anscheinend hat ein nicht gekennzeichneter Helikopter Hilfsgüter in einer als Flug-/Abwurfverbot ausgewiesenen Zone „gespült“. Es gibt ein Video des seltsamen Verhaltens. Berichten zufolge waren die Piloten des Helikopters maskiert.

Von LucidNytemare


  1. FFS_IsThisNameTaken2 on

    Fucking assholes!

    I wonder what the govt damage control operatives are going to use to excuse this away.

    wHeRe Is ThE eViDeNcE iT wAs ThE dO nO wRoNg GoVeRnMeNt? hMmMm?????

    Fucking ghouls.

  2. Acceptable_Quiet_767 on

    Pilots wouldn’t be masked unless they knew they were about to do some evil shit.

    Think of how many altercations like this have happened in the region that haven’t been recorded on camera. It’s evil little acts like this that are slowly destroying our country. Random and odd enough that no one would believe it if it wasn’t caught on camera, but no serious enough to warrant a response if it is caught on camera.

    Whoever is behind this needs to be named and shamed. We need to know who our enemy is.

  3. Ill_Assignment_2549 on

    What the fuck… save this video first of all. This needs to be looked into by the autists.

  4. Ill_Assignment_2549 on

    Black rock private contractors? Extra judicial, on orders from someone in congress? Someone has a lot of money to gain from these lithium mines..

  5. So instead of the cops or people on the ground coming in and saying they can’t be there, They flew a helicopter and ***kinda sorta*** made a mess but not really? I also can’t find any information that backs up this being a “no fly/no drop” zone, as I don’t see any of those in NC on the FAA site. If you can get a tail number from any of the videos the aircraft can be searched for past flight plans.

    Edit: Also “rotor wash” is the result of rotation of the rotors, It is not a “move” or whatever the video is implying

  6. aviator147 on

    My theory as a fixed wing, but non rotor pilot, is that it was some sort of agency or national guard type etc trying to land, and when they saw how much shit was being strewn about by the rotor wash they abandoned the landing. Don’t crucify me, that’s my personal viewpoint.

  7. Probably just Paddock coming in from Vegas.

    But serious, my friend lives in Cali and last week saw what appeared to be a strange fighter jet and looked it up on flight radar and it was private, destination and such was also NA. WTF is going on peeps.

  8. iDrinkRaid on

    So some amateur pilot who wanted to help, but didn’t know how helping went, what signals from ground crew meant, or how to coordinate with people who do this for a living?

    I wonder why letting civilians have unfettered access to disaster relief operations is a bad idea?

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