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rip this guy
Let him cook
The scariest thing in the world is a man with nothing to lose
That’s a bold strategy Cotton
fuck nintendo.
More like he probably already went to every lawyer and none would take on the case.
Isn’t this really bad for everyone? Like, when he loses doesn’t that mean Nintendo gets to easily set a huge precedent for cases moving forward?
considering his refusal to back down, not bothering to hire a lawyer is smart, honestly. Paying for a lawyer isn’t going to win the case, and it certainly isn’t going to beat nintendo’s massive legal team. Would just be a big bill with nothing to show for it.
I mean when you don’t have any assets to take there’s nothing to lose lmao
While I’m in no way on the side of Nintendo just suing everyone and everything to do with mods, this guy allegedly sold consoles with pirated games on them, which is clearly illegal. So kinda dumb move to not back down here.
Well hey. If you’re gonna lose no sense in adding to your costs with lawyer fees.
(That or no lawyer would take the case)
God speed John Glenn.
Don’t these messages need to come with a message directing people to the suicide hotline?
he’s fucked,
Respect but stupid
That sounds really stupid. The kind of stupidity I’d cheer on wholeheartedly. But still, stupid.
This article title is misleading. Nintendo is going after people who specifically made and sold modchips. Nintendo is NOT going after people who mod their own Switch for personal use.
Man the stupidity of some people is astounding.
these people are terminally online. Reddit boards and 4chan convincing them they are fighting a moral fight. Dude is gonna end up with his life in shambles.
Well, as the saying goes, “A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.”
Show up to court in Mario garb. “It’s a me….. Mario”
Leeeeerooooy Jenkins!
The opposing lawyer is going to shoot him in the face In Court.
The actual thumbnail should have been surprised pikachu face
“Arbitration clause” is interesting.
“A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.”
How can we help out this guy, any info?
Well, at least hes not trying to pick a fight with the mouse without a lawyer. It could be worse?
If you don’t have anything to loose but unemployment and student debt then fuck it and Yolo.
What are they going to take from me if all I have is 20 bucks on my bank account and -150k on student debt?
I will agree with that fucking 2m settlement and will paid you from my minimum wage job, while continuing doing it.
It’s just reverse capitalism. If the price of a crime is just a fine, it’s cost for the rich.
But if I can’t pay a debt with a life of work, then the debt is pointless.
chewbacca defense?
Can some legal expert make a simulation of his potential defense and the potential Nintendo’s defense?
i mean going to court doesnt require you to have a lawyer. Always possible to do it on your own.
That’s a bad move 😂
Fucking legend. He ain’t a lawyer. Just use a completely unethetical uncensored AI to use every cheat in the book to win. He can’t be disbarred, he hasn’t passed it.
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