Link zum Bild im Beitrag.

Es ist eines von rund 100 Hotels und anderen Einrichtungen, von ikonischen Wolkenkratzern bis hin zu bescheidenen Flughafen-Motels, die die Stadt in provisorische Unterkünfte für einige der 50.000 Migranten umgewandelt hat, die seit letztem Frühjahr mit Bussen von der Südgrenze angekommen sind. Die Bemühungen könnten in den nächsten zwei Jahren letztendlich bis zu 4 Milliarden US-Dollar kosten und könnten zu Kürzungen bei den städtischen Dienstleistungen führen, warnte der Bürgermeister. Für Migranten stellt die Unterkunft, auch wenn sie manchmal unvollkommen ist, eine willkommene Abwechslung dar, während sie beginnen, in einer hektischen Stadt ein neues Leben zu beginnen. – Quelle

Virales Video über 𝕏 von illegalen Einwanderern in NYC, die zugeben, 7 Monate kostenlose Miete, kostenlose Mahlzeiten, kostenlose Versicherung und mehr zu erhalten … – Quelle

Der Minister des Heimatschutzministeriums, Alejandro Mayorkas, räumt im Jahr 2023 eine übermäßige Finanzierung illegaler Migranten mit FEMA-Geldern ein. Mayorkas gibt dann zu, dass der FEMA im Jahr 2024 das Kapital für ihren Jahreshaushalt ausgeht. – Quelle

Karine Jean Pierre sagte am 22. September 2022: „Finanzierung (für Illegale) ist auch über das Nahrungsmittel- und Notunterkunftsprogramm der FEMA möglich.“ – Quelle

Die Abgeordnete Nancy Mace hat einen Gesetzentwurf eingebracht, der die FEMA dazu zwingen soll, alle Gelder von Illegalen in die Katastrophenhilfe umzuleiten. – Quelle

Von External-Noise-4832


  1. Brilliant_Theme4995 on

    What are they gonna do if you don’t repay? Take your home lol

  2. Kylesmith184 on

    Can’t look after their own but have billions to give away to foreign countries

  3. I refuse to believe that this type of post (and the comments) are organic. It’s just too braindead.

    The explanation is literally in your post and people are still pretending to be angry about this.

  4. spank-monkey on

    $750 is not a loan its a first payment to pay for immediate necessities to get yourself through first week or 2… so you can buy food, diapers, formula or whatever you need. You do not have to repay. Thank you for your disinformation

  5. Irish_Brogue on

    No, the 750 is not a loan. This is saying that they do give loans to people awaiting insurance payments.

  6. This reads like it is a separate special circumstance clause.

    I’m not a huge fan of FEMA, but it seems that this reads more along the lines of…”in the instance you are awaiting a delayed insurance payout fema can provide additional loaned funding separate from normally offered grants”

    Which from an operational standpoint is entirely reasonable. In practice, however I have no affiliation with fema, I can not speak on.

    Logically thinking about this you’d make the case that funds are inherently limited. Citizen fund is allocated X number of dollars. In order to maintain said fund, larger sums that are “secured” funding should be repaid to maintain said funds.

    Not to say that I agree with anyone involved, but this doesn’t feel like it really fits the sub.

  7. Of course now all of you will believe that. Does it matter that actually this doesn’t refer to the 750$? Nah, you’re mind is already made up.

  8. ProTip-nvm on

    To make this clear because nobody can understand
    If you don’t have insurance you get 750 free and clear. If you have insurance, you need to pay back the 750 but it comes straight from your insurance not out of pocket.
    If you want more, the government shills for 3rd parties who will give you loans with interest of course.

  9. That_guy_mike1992 on

    They will get more overtime but the $750 is the most the gov can give immediately without it needing to be approved. I swear y’all don’t know what a conspiracy or how the government works. I’m close to unfollowing this Reddit page because it’s nothing more than inbreaded conservatives pushing their politics rather than talking conspiracies.

  10. kaliopekungfu on

    I mean, if you just actually scroll a local sub from the area there are thousands of reports of this not being true. People are having money deposited in their accounts and are not required to pay it back.

  11. False. Imagine your town being devastated and you’re barely hanging on…and you have to hear this sort of silly nonsense while you’re navigating the toughest time in your life. The $750 isn’t a loan. It isn’t all they’re getting. It’s to help bridge the gap between these people having nothing left and deploying a more appropriate response. It’s for groceries, dry clothes, and diapers. Act like an adult, OP, or leave the adult conversations to others.

  12. Houdinii1984 on

    You underlined the wrong part. The $750 is a grant, and that’s actually proven in the source you posted. You are searching for information on **SBA Disaster Loans**. That’s not even close to the same thing.

  13. noobprodigy on

    The constant posts trying to spark outrage about the hurricane response is pretty interesting. I wonder why there are several posts about it every day on the conspiracy sub. Makes you wonder who’s behind it.

  14. lollulomegaz on

    Misinformation is not a conspiracy.

    Obviously MAGAtards have hijacked this sub.

  15. The $750 is Special Needs Assistance and does not need to be repaid. Stop rage-baiting.

  16. Win-Objective on

    Sounds like congressional Republicans should bring Congress back in session to approve more funds. But they won’t because they only care about scoring political points and not helping their constituents. If they helped people it would make Biden look good and they can’t have that, gotta own the libs (and republicans while they are at it).

  17. usernameforre on

    Not true. 705 no questions asked as you step in the door. Then you fill out forms for more money.

    You are spreading lies.

  18. SpaceGangsta on

    Hi. I know reading comprehension can be difficult.
    This is *not* in reference to the $750 relief payment. This is a separate policy stating that in certain cases you can get an advance from FEMA to start repairs on your home while you wait to receive your insurance payment. Once the payment is received you are required to pay FEMA back the money they loaned you.

  19. TropicalVision on

    Outside of the $750 thing, the fact they want to charge interest on emergency disaster loans is absolutely crazy.

    They should be done by the government at zero interest, At a minimum.

    Depending on circumstances it should just be a straight grant. Single parents earning below a certain threshold etc

  20. Late_Power6885 on

    I would be shocked to hear a significant portion of those ppl in the Carolina mountains even have flood insurance

  21. BirdInFlight301 on

    If your insurance reimburses you for your initial disaster experience, and FEMA has already covered those costs, then you owe that reimbursement to FEMA. You do not get to double dip.

    If your insurance does not reimburse you for the things FEMA covered initially, you do not have to repay.

    It’s written right there, all you have to do is READ past the headline.

    Pretend you have primary and
    2ndary health insurance. You’ve got a $500 medical bill. You won’t get $500 from both policies, right?? FEMA operates on a similar basis. If you’re insured, they’d be on the level of your secondary insurance. If you’re uninsured, they’d be akin to what a primary policy does.

    This is not a conspiracy, it’s how things have always been done.

    If you want a real conspiracy, think about when FEMA gave out only $500 instead of $750 under the Trump administration, that was OK, but when FEMA under the Biden administration gives MORE, it’s suddenly not enough.

  22. Silver-Psych on

    it’s hilarious you all are so focused on this not real problem when it’s literally YOUR representation that votes to defund FEMA in the first place   why is NC so fucking dependant on FEMA money anyway do they not pay taxes to have their own money when disaster strikes?  

     like seriously you can’t have “smaller government” AND be totally reliant on the goddamned  government when shit goes wrong.  

    buy flood insurance. 

  23. Artimusjones88 on

    Does this bullshit need to be posted 10 times a day?

    Screw you bot……..

  24. Did you not even read what you just posted? You only pay money back when you ask them for a loan which is a separate thing. You underlined it, but then claimed something completely dofferent in your post.

  25. Vincent_VanGoGo on

    Was it this sub that posted info about a DOD contracted lithium mine in this area? That the feds can seize it for it’s value *five years ago.* It was suggested as a possible cause for the lack of response from FEMA.

    This CNBC video, however, identifies the impact on chip manufacture by Helene. NC is the only source for this quartz….

  26. GitmoGrrl1 on

    So why did all Republicans vote against funding FEMA? For some odd reason the OP failed to mention that Rick Scott and Matt Gaetz voted against funding FEMA.

  27. …after youR receive your…

    Spotted while speed reading that paragraph, which is scary for “official” information put out by an agency.

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