Lernen Sie den Mann kennen, der Disney davon abgehalten hat, bei zwei Filmen eine halbe Milliarde Dollar zu verlieren



  1. PriveChecker182 on

    >Variety claimed that The Marvels “cost $250 million” when, in fact, more than $350 million was actually spent on it

    *How?* I actually liked that movie but it looks exactly like any run of the mill Marvel nonsense.

  2. YetAnotherBookworm on

    The man: George Osborne.

    How he did it:

    “They shoot in the UK to benefit from the government’s Audio-Visual Expenditure Credit (AVEC) which gives them a cash reimbursement of up to 25.5% of the money they spend in the country.”

    He negotiated the deal, as a former UK Treasury Secretary, with Disney.

  3. Wild-Word4967 on

    Wow, this is a big reason why so many film workers in America, and workers in the industries that support them, are out of work.

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