Der Moment, in dem ein „böser alter Mann“ in Brighton ein Denkmal zum 7. Oktober zerstört, löst Empörung aus

Von ParkedUpWithCoffee


  1. I get having different outlooks on the conflict and disagreement with people, but to act like this towards tributes to the dead requires some real hatred that we need to deal with.

  2. ICutDownTrees on

    What a society we live in where people stand there recording on their phones instead of speaking up!

    Gotta get those internet points

  3. 811545b2-4ff7-4041 on

    Kudos to the man in black to standing up to the nutter. What a horrible old man.

  4. Lower_Discussion4897 on

    He’s diminishing sympathy for what amounts to genocide. The genociders have every means at their disposal to whitewash what is happening, and he is just giving ammunition to their PR campaign. Idiot.

  5. Chicken_shish on

    While I don’t have time for the old giffer doing this in the slightest, there surely is a bit of a question as to why people leave teddy bears in some random spot in Brighton to remember a masssacre several thousand miles away. At the Israeli Embassy, Holocaust memorials, sure, but next to a litter bin in Brighton?

  6. somethingbrite on

    I was in London working late October/Early November last year and saw exactly the same thing.

    There were flyers up at the entrance to a station…with pictures of those kidnapped and still missing.

    I watched in disbelief as a fee people angrily tore at them and started to protest with their Palestinian flags.
    Those that I watched doing this were all white folks.

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