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PSA: An organisation called Zoe has been launched, described as helping women with an unplanned pregnancy. Caution – its run by Christians and its ethos is a Christian one
byu/East-Teaching-7272 inireland

Von East-Teaching-7272


  1. Marzipan_civil on

    From their “about us”
    We are a faith-based Irish charity. Our faith in God informs how we care for and support you, but it does not place any expectation on your beliefs or choices. We are a non-directive service, which means that we honour your decision-making autonomy. We are trained volunteers, not professionals. We believe that anyone can learn to listen well. We are passionate about signposting to professional individuals and services whenever needs arise. We do not refer for terminations but do not direct or stop those who choose that path.

    Well, at least they don’t hide that they’re Christian based. Several of the other organisations like to obscure their origins/funding. Although the second part sounds like “we will signpost to help if you decide to keep the pregnancy, but not if you decide to terminate” sounds a little sketchy

  2. demonspawns_ghost on

    St. Vinnie’s is run by Christians and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad word said about them. Chris Hedges is an Presbyterian minister. Be careful tarring millions of people with the same brush.

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