EFF zum Fünften Bezirk: Gesetze zur Altersüberprüfung werden mehr schaden als sie helfen



  1. Bad_Habit_Nun on

    Yeah but it would easily link people’s browsing habits and data to their real identity, saving businesses who sell that data a ton of time and effort. That’s the real point.

  2. supercomputer50 on

    I get where the concern is coming from, but forcing age verification on everyone just to use social media feels like overkill. It’s like trying to solve one problem but creating a whole bunch of new ones: privacy risks, loss of anonymity, and free speech restrictions.

  3. ConfidentMongoose on

    Parents just need to be better parents. Allowing your kids to browse the web unsupervised, not tracking what they are doing online, what they are watching, who they are talking to.

    Parents these days are so proud that their babies know how to swipe on tablets and smartphones…

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