Aufnahmen eines israelischen Angriffs heute Abend in Beirut mit heftigen Sekundärexplosionen.

Von Far-Pain5261


  1. ThirstyOne on

    Can’t wait for the Pallywood spin. Is this a hospital supply station full of oxygen tanks, a gas station (with gas that burns twice) or is it the manger of the 2nd to last unicorn?

  2. robichaud35 on

    Will Somebody please tell Marvin all the earth shattering kabooms are in Lebanon ..

  3. Joyage2021 on

    Right around the 8-9 second mark there is a fucking lightning bolt that just decides to join the party. Metal.

  4. Sidestepping all the politics; Israel’s intel and accuracy is impressive. All of these have massive amounts of secondaries.

  5. revaddict94 on

    In b4 israel is accused of bombing a school which stored some fireworks for the kids

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