Eine Gruppe von Teenagern einer Motorradbande, die sich „Nerima Kenka-kai“ nennt, wurde verhaftet, weil sie einen Oberschüler angegriffen, ihm die Nase gebrochen und sein Motorrad sowie Bargeld gestohlen hatten


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  1. Dave_Pluck on


    >On the 7th, the Metropolitan Police Department announced that they had arrested four boys aged between 14 and 17 from Tokyo’s Itabashi and Nerima wards on suspicion of robbery and assault  for assaulting a male high school student they did not know and stealing his motorcycle and other items. Three of the boys are said to be members of a motorcycle gang based in Nerima ward , and one of them reportedly stated, “The victim said he was a member of a motorcycle gang from Ota ward , so as a local delinquent, I couldn’t forgive him for that and did it.”

    >According to the Juvenile Crime Division, the four arrested were a part-time worker (17) from Itabashi Ward, an unemployed boy (16), a male junior high school student (14), and an unemployed boy (17) from Nerima Ward. The three, excluding the junior high school student, are said to be members of the motorcycle gang “Nerima Kenkakai.”

    >The four suspects were arrested on suspicion of conspiring to assault a male high school student (18) from Ota Ward on the streets of Nerima and Itabashi Wards between 11:30 and 11:50 p.m. on June 24, including hitting him with a metal bat, breaking his nose, and stealing a motorcycle and approximately 5,000 yen in cash.

    >The victim, whose motorcycle was parked at a convenience store in Nerima Ward, was accused of being from the Nerima Fighting Club, and of fighting one-on-one. The suspects had no personal acquaintance with the victim.

    >At the time, the four men were said to have been riding around Nerima ward on motorcycles as “local patrolmen.” (Yoshimura Shun)

    This translation was made by a computer machine.

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