Warum große Tech-Unternehmen darum kämpfen, die ersten zu sein, die künstliche allgemeine Intelligenz erhalten


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  1. From the article

    >According to a [report](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/27/technology/openai-chatgpt-investors-funding.html) from the New York Times, OpenAI wants to reach $11 billion in sales by next year, a goal Luria believes is “doable,” provided certain things go right for the company. However, he describes the [reported](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/27/technology/openai-chatgpt-investors-funding.html) $100 billion sales target by 2029 as “fantastical,” while acknowledging that “they’re still leading the way in artificial intelligence and some of the tools around it.”

    >According to Luria, heavy investments in AI by big tech companies are driven by the fact that “nobody wants to be second” in achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI). He notes that along the way, these companies will tackle AI challenges such as solving complex mathematical problems, with numerous enterprise and consumer applications built around this technology. While Luria recognizes OpenAI’s leadership in content creation tools, code development tools, and image generation tools, he emphasizes that “the real race is still that race to AGI.”

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