Unter meiner Aufsicht wird die Ukraine niemals der NATO beitreten, sagt der slowakische Premierminister Fico


Von tsssks1


  1. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico vowed on Sunday to block Ukraine from joining NATO for as long as he is head of the country’s government.

    NATO’s leadership wants Ukraine to join the military alliance after its war with Russia ends in order to deter further aggression from Moscow, but Fico’s declaration highlights the political difficulties that are likely to arise in pursuing that aim.

    “As long as I am head of the Slovak government, I will direct the MPs that are under my control as chairman of the [ruling Smer] party never to agree to Ukraine’s joining NATO,” he said on the weekly “O päť minút dvanásť” (5 Minutes to 12) program.

  2. MintPasteOrangeJuice on

    And butter in Slovakia costs 4,39 EUR nowadays!

    That government is doing *great* with both national and international policing. /s

  3. “NATO’s leadership want Ukraine to join the military alliance”
    Yeah, right… More like “NATO’s leadership gives Ukraine empty promises”

  4. concerned-potato on

    Who cares?

    Ukraine can’t join because of the US and Germany, not because of Fico.

    If there’s an agreement from major players – the opinion of this crap is irrelevant.

    IF there’s no agreement from major players – the opinion of this crap is irrelevant too.

    It’s irrelevant in any case.

  5. TallBusterKeaton on

    He’s always bigmouth on home stage, then (thank god!) a coward to stand by his words when comes to the action…and hopefully, that spineless pig will be out of office within 3 years🙏

  6. heatrealist on

    When US decides Ukraine is ready to join they will convince countries like Slovakia to change their stance. Until then they can talk whatever they want. 

  7. Beyllionaire on

    I’m not sure I want Ukraine to join NATO either. It would 100% start another war.

  8. OtherManner7569 on

    Cute he thinks Slovakia has the geopolitical clout to prevent it.

  9. Thunderbird_Anthares on

    yes, well, few things for him

    1. nobody was asking a pathetic subhuman piece of corrupt trash for an opinion
    2. they will join AFTER his term is up anyway, nobody was really forcing the issue in the first place
    3. the most useful thing he can do… is plant a tree, dig a hole next to it, and die in it – to provide nutrients to the tree, as it replaces the oxygen he wasted, so at least a small part of his net negative value to humanity is recouped

  10. Ok_Signal4754 on

    he can say whatever he wants in the end time will tell and Ukraine has the means in the most critical to just makes nukes and that will be 100% guarantee for them

  11. Common_Brick_8222 on

    As if we didn’t have enough of Orban and his statements. Now this…

  12. DeathBySentientStraw on

    I mean yea, we have no idea if Ukraine will even have the option to do so by the time the war is over

    Can’t be certain on too much yet, we can only hope

  13. DerSagIchNicht on

    Oh yeah, let one of the worlds most corrupt countries, who blew up nord stream and tried to cover it up join EU and NATO. No matter what this guys says, it will never happen.

  14. SignifigantZebra on

    imagine being openly hostile to a neutral country. It isn’t a big surprise why someone took a shot at that maggot.

  15. BelterBorsch on

    So tired of these rent-a-stooges popping up in our organisations with no means to boot them out

  16. voyagerdoge on

    Am wondering for how much (Russian) money he takes this stance against NATO.

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