Mehr als 970 Migranten überqueren den Ärmelkanal – die bisher höchste Zahl in diesem Jahr

Von topotaul


  1. MindHead78 on

    I’m not too worried, this figure will come right down any day now, once Keir smashes the smuggling gangs.

  2. Wakingupisdeath on

    I’m beginning to consider the public is being subject to a psyop with the goal to demoralise the native population. 

  3. Top_Opposites on

    These are still rookie numbers, we really need to pack them into the ferry’s if we’re going to see it go well into the thousands

  4. That’s only 0.0013% of our total population. No biggie. Just stick them up north and nobody will be the wiser.

  5. Whisky_Chaser on

    The removal of the winter fuel payment will help to put them up in a hotel for next 3-5 years.

  6. RinkaNinjaGirl on

    Casual reminder:

    There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant, the government knows this and instead uses the term ‘Irregular Migrant’, despite the way certain politicians attempt to play the public.

    72% of refugees live in countries which neighbor their country of origin. Since we’re an Island that would imply we shouldn’t take any asylum seekers if they’re being accepted only by the nearest country.

    The reason that adult men are often in the boats is so that they’re the one at risk. Once they’re here they are more able to bring their wives and children safely with the family reunion scheme.

    The only ‘safe and legal routes’ provided by our government for asylum seekers are; Resettlement Programmes, Bespoke Schemes, and The Family Reunion Scheme(mentioned above). For most schemes the person must still be in Ukraine or Afghanistan or countries similar to be able to be accepted by the UN.

    People who stay and fight against a government who is creating the danger to their families are the people who are often called terrorists, because despite standing up to a corrupt government, it’s still going against the government.

    Immigrants living in areas have been proven to reduce NHS waiting times and boost the economy due to the jobs they work. It is the government who wants our birth rate higher and if the people living here aren’t meeting their desired levels, then they have to replenish the levels with people from other means.

  7. Reasoned_Watercress on

    No doubt they’ll be enriching us with their culture already

  8. TheWorstRowan on

    We should stop backing countries that cause refugee crises if we’re serious about reducing these numbers. 

  9. NextFriendship3102 on

    Send them to Chagos before we give the keys back, surprise – an island full of engineers and doctors! 

  10. Historical_Run9075 on

    This will be worse than 2015 (in terms of finding a “solution”), what with the fighting in the Middle East.

  11. PaxBritannica2 on

    Vote Reform, the only solution to to end all aid to illegals, deport all.

  12. WeRegretToInform on

    Oh, if only Rishi were still here. We’d still have 970 migrants coming in, but we’d also have maybe ten which we’d managed bribe in to going to Rwanda.

  13. Happytallperson on

    *deep sigh* 

    Yes, crossings peak in September/October because that is when sea temperatures peak. This weekend is not desperately windy.

    Let’s all pretend however that the numbers crossing on a certain day is the result of some policy and not basically a function of the weather. 

    Let’s also keep pretending that people can be made to stop trying to cross by anything other than a comprehensive asylum processing agreement with France that includes the UK providing safe passage for some people. 

    For a an extra bonus, you can pretend that this was all about to be fixed by shipping traumatised people to a small African dictatorship at £1 million a head. You can even, to be extra ghoulish, pretend that was a humanitarian effort. 

  14. Ebeneezer_G00de on

    Great news, more doctors, nurses, maths and science teachers. Lots of bright young entrepreneurial people who share our liberal values and are going to enrich our culture and help make up for the plumetting birth rate. Thank goodness someone will be there to look after the ageing boomers.

  15. Tyrannosaurus-Twat on

    Fantastic news for the nhs. We need all these doctors joining us

  16. All-Day-stoner on

    We really forget that the crossings started straight after Brexit, when we left the EU. The ghouls who sold you Brexit are the same people who are trying to convince you they can solve this issue.

  17. Meanwhile I just spent 4000gbp for mtly wife to extend her visa for 2.5 years

  18. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

    If were to average 500 people arriving on boat crossings over a year – 500 x 365, that comes to 182,500 people from boat crossings alone, and that’s not including legal migration to the UK which was like 600k or 700k last year.

    It doesn’t seem sustainable at all. I’m not anti immigration either really. I enjoy new cultures and people from different countries in the UK. However we never build the services and housing to match the amount of people that are coming each year, alongside the amount of people already in the UK without the necessary housing and services needed.

    The governments aim to build 300k homes a year which I don’t think will be possible predominantly relying on the private sector to do it, will still be nowhere near enough to fix the housing issues in the UK when you have the volumes of people that are coming in each year!

    We probably need more like a million homes built a year!

  19. Completely unsustainable. Without ever doing anything to contribute to this country each one of these people are likely to end up costing the country hundreds of thousands of pounds and that’s before even considering stuff like the effects this has on housing, crime etc for the rest of the population. We can’t just absorb the world’s poor and expect British taxpayers to pay for it. Quality of life is declining for most people as it is. 

  20. ong, that means it will be 354k a year. It will cost 10 billion a year to take care them. If it does not change, it will cost 100 billion after 4 years. Which is more than HS2 and all other infrastructure combined.

  21. PreparationNorth2426 on

    Tent city in the Outer Hebrides. Pot noodle & ginster pasty air drops once a week.

  22. Cultural-Garbage-942 on

    The water is poison, the wars unending. Our people are cold and ugly.

    I don’t fucking care that some starving Somali has arrived on the beach. Good fucking luck to him.

    The countries problems run a lot deeper than migrants. Don’t let anyone, particularly fucking Rupert Murdoch of all people, distract you from that.

  23. Cherrybomber70 on

    Gunboat,sink half a dozen….suddenly France,Spain,Germany become far more desirable…

  24. How many children were born to families economically disadvantaged by 3 decades of neoliberalism, more than 970 a year

  25. Everybodysdeaddave84 on

    Honestly, the only way to stop this is to house them in upper class areas, currently they’re all been put in hotels in areas with already existing poverty and underfunded services, and the upper class don’t have a problem with that because it doesn’t affect them, a couple of months of immigrants hanging around their supermarkets and harassing their children, pushing up crime and not integrating into their communities I bet more solutions to immigration are suddenly found.

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