Ein Hubble-Bild der Riesengalaxie M87 zeigt einen 3.000 Lichtjahre langen Plasmastrahl, der aus dem zentralen Schwarzen Loch der Galaxie ausbricht und entlang seiner Flugbahn Sterne zum Ausbruch zu bringen scheint. Bildnachweis: NASA, ESA, A. Lessing, E. Baltz, M. Shara, J. DePasquale



  1. Mr_Cuddlefish6 on

    Space is fucking nuts. Imagine just minding your own damn business when a jet of plasma that started 3k light years away causes your sun to blow up. Like what the galactic fuck. And yet here we are, alive and participating in this nonsense with our inconceivably unlikely existence just snapping pics of cosmic destruction and sharing for fake Internet points. Just absolute bonkers.

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