Veröffentlicht am 05.10.2024. OPSEC ist gewährleistet. Credits auch paratroopers003 auf Instagram.


  1. Designer_Low_8384 on

    What a dif from any Russian soldier well equipped a smile without being drunk. This is why Ukraine can’t lose their at home doing the right thing.

  2. Diligent_Whole9591 on

    The first guy was serving in the 3rd assault brigade before, glad to see him alive and kicking ass in Kursk🤟

  3. Fjell-Jeger on

    Combat medics goofing off is always a good sign as this means their services aren’t required.

    As there seems to be ongoing combat operations (*outgoing mortar audible at 00:17*), it would be much safer to conceal from Russian spotter UAVs inside the forest instead of remaining out in the open on the roadside.

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