Schwere Bombenangriffe israelischer Kampfflugzeuge auf den südlichen Vorort von Beirut.

Von rudybasd


  1. InflamedNodes on

    In all these Lebanon vids you can clearly see the secondary explosions from ammo stores and rockets. Very good intel and precision strikes. All those sparkles from the blast are the weapons storage cooking off.

  2. virgilvandijkcheese on

    Mossad and the IDF are acquitting themselves well. People complain that the US sends them money, but I would much rather send taxpayer dollars to Israel instead of trying to teach Afghanis how to fight in an army and have a “democratic” society. God what a waste of money that was.

  3. WhiteVent98 on

    Theyre already saying Israel is hitting hospitals… or at least theyre closing hospitals.

  4. Question for anyone who knows better than me. I know the Lebanese military and Hezbollah are two different entities and Israel is just targeting Hezbollah, so… does the Lebanese military just kinda let Israel do its thing or do they actively fight back or set “red lines”?

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