Sehen Sie, es hat niemanden wirklich interessiert, als sie die Genealogie und Familiengeschichte von Kamala Harris als völligen Schwindel bezeichnete. Nicht einmal die Demokraten.

Es kümmerte niemanden, als sie Tim Waltz seine zwielichtige Vergangenheit mit bestimmten Organisationen und fragwürdigen Personen offenbarte.

Nein, das war so bewegt, als sie anfing, das „von Gott auserwählte Volk“ aus dem Nahen Osten wegen seiner offensichtlichen Erpressung amerikanischer und europäischer Beamter, Kriegsverbrechen und Völkermord zu beschimpfen. Nicht einmal die Medien.

Das dringende Problem, das wir im Moment haben, ist, dass unsere weise erleuchtete Freundin bestimmte Flüge besprechen möchte. Ein gewisser verlorener und vermisster Flug, der über dem Indischen Ozean unterging.

Sehen Sie, das ist alles schön und gut, wir wissen, dass es verloren ist. Doch die verborgene Hand lässt es nicht zulassen, dass sie offen über die Technologie dahinter spricht. Es gibt Konsequenzen.

Sie weigert sich zu verstehen, dass die Herrscher dieses Reiches der Meinung sind, dass die Menschheit einfach nicht bereit ist👁️

Von TheOracle2024


  1. QuetzalcoatlReturns on

    She’s become to high-profile for anything to happen to her I think.

  2. sudo_Bresnow on

    She and her husband are close friends with self proclaimed ephebophile Andrew Tate

  3. keyinfleunce on

    We need to start standing up with them we can’t all be scared , ignorance is no longer blissful but instead detrimental to everyone

  4. CO lives near me. She lives like a normal person…out shopping etc, and seems like a normal human being. That will make it too easy for them to get her gone.

  5. AvAvAvAvAv290390 on

    She’s such an obv plant who’s husbands family is connected to Rothschild’s.

  6. pharmamess on

    Why can’t you be more explicit?

    What’s her name?

    What flights?

  7. mathreviewer on

    Approximately 3 quarters of her takes are based, and a quarter are unhinged. Anyway, she is famous and her husband is rich and somewhat influential (?) so nothing will happen to her.

  8. imnotcoolasfuck on

    So what are you implying happened to the flight? Are you refrencing the orbs and portal video being real? Do you have any information to support this claim? I’m at the bottom of the rabbit hole where I know that anything is possible in this reality so I’m open to your ideas, but I just don’t understand the purpose of sending it through an interdimensional portal or whatever

  9. InevitableDog5338 on

    >See, no one really cared that much when she outed Kamala Harris genealogy and family history as a complete fraud. Not even the democrats.

    why is this relevant

  10. OnlyCommentWhenTipsy on

    After seeing Ashton Forbes on Redacted speak about the orbs surrounding MH370 before it disappeared, as seen in leaked military surveillance video, I am a believer of UFO type technology. Not of extraterrestrials, but of top secret tech beyond anything thought possible.

  11. FixPuzzleheaded577 on

    Are we talking about manipulation of weather to crash flights? Alien or inter-dimensional beings involvement of crashed flights? Our own government crashing flights? It’s really not hard to say what you’re claiming is it? Do not hide truth in shadows if you’re trying to make an expose.

  12. DuckworthBuckington on

    Big if true

    No seriously the mh370 flight is one of the biggest conspiracies of our lifetimes and people just don’t even think about it anymore. This could really be massive if she really has a scoop but she’ll be destroyed if she speaks it. Time will tell. OP good luck on your thread, this is a good one

  13. Dependent_Band_438 on

    Hunh?? So what is she outing that’s so crazy? What flight?

  14. Brabus_En_Esprit on

    I got the video that got her banned i knew it wouldn’t last

  15. I don’t know why I bought a whole couch. I only need the edge after reading this titillating tale.

  16. AuGmENTor68 on

    I never forgot about this per se… But I hadn’t thought about it since well before she mentioned it… Weren’t there a lot of passengers that were applying for a patent on over unity energy or something?

  17. It is kinda weird that show Lost is about something similar. There’s even something in the show similar to DARPA

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