Gibt es das immer noch in physischen Geschäften? Ich kann es anscheinend nirgendwo außer in Online-Shops finden.

Von yoshirimitsu


  1. My local Netto has some, but I live relatively close to Gostyń, so YMMV

  2. It tastes good, but be careful guys. One portion of it has enough sugars and fats for a whole day; that means – if you’ll eat this, you shouldn’t eat anything else that day that contains sugar or fat, if you want to stay healthy. But it might be okay to consume it once or twice per month (if you don’t have diabetes).

  3. Question, how did you all eat this? Because my childhood revolved around sucking it right out of the tube. I don’t know if I was the only one or if that was the correct method 😅

  4. Where you at? If you’re outside of Poland try any Polish/Eastern European shop. I see them in most of those shops in Ireland

  5. It’s in my local dino, stokrotka and biedronka (i live in bumfuck nowhere)

  6. It is definitely a thing in physical stores. You just need to look around in dairy refrigerators section of the stores.

  7. ScepticalPancake on

    Everywhere actually 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s available at my closest Żabka

  8. Auchan, żabka ( ja ostatnio widziałem fioletowe i niebieskie), osiedlowy

  9. bad_hair_guy on

    i think that in most of the markets, because i recently saw it in biedronka, but it was made by some other company so i cant confirm the quality of it

  10. immaturenickname on

    U mnie na osiedlowym ich jest od chuja, bo wszyscy wykupują czekoladowe błyskawicznie, a te normalne sobie leżą i czekają na koneserów.

  11. Lewiatan, shelf with creams and soy/almond milk. In my store it’s not refrigerated.

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