Enthauptet, in einem Käfig schwebend und „zum Sterben zurückgelassen“: Berichte über Grausamkeiten gegen XL-Tyrannen nehmen seit dem Verbot zu


Von topotaul


  1. ClassicFlavour on

    > A cage carrying a dead XL bully floating in a Birmingham canal, also in June;

    > An XL bully puppy dead in a cage in Bexleyheath in January, with blunt force trauma to the head;

    That’s enough news and internet for tonight I think. ***God damn.***

  2. OshaBreaker on

    Incredibly grim, but indicative of the calibre of person that wants to own an XL bully in the first place.

    They deserve to be humanely euthanised, not this.

  3. saxbophone on

    No matter how much the dogs may be disliked over their notoriety for fatal attacks, these are depraved acts. The animals should be humanely euthanised. They don’t deserve to suffer just because human beings bred them to be an absolute liability.

  4. Well, that sums up the awful people that buy these things, beyond indefensible.

  5. Badger_1066 on

    These are the sorts of people who own these dogs. Tell me again that environment isn’t a major factor when it comes to behaviour.

  6. ihateeverythingandu on

    Surely there is a way to utilize these dogs while they live so they help and they can live their lives while the ban lets these breed naturally shrink. Surely as a society, we are smart enough to not just end life that’s inconvenient. They could be of utility in security realms or something.

    I just feel humans are way too keen on killing shit when things become a nuisance.

  7. Lucky-Maximum8450 on

    That is fucking disgusting. How could you do that? Why get a dog in the first place 🙁

    Also the title is super confusing, surely if decapitated then you are dead? How can you be left for dead if you’re already dead?

  8. Popeychops on

    As horrifying as XL Bullies are, they’re just a product of the infinite deviousness of human cruelty

  9. SubstantialAgency2 on

    Proves how many never actually wanted the dog beyond it being the current trends.

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