Hisbollah-Raketen fallen in einem Hinterhof im Norden Israels ein 03.05.2024

    Von Shekel_Hadash


    1. Looks.like it hit rough ground next to someone’s back yard.. back yard intact! Crazy luck for the homeowner

    2. Crazy advertising footage for the contractor that built that wall though.

    3. robichaud35 on

      They don’t pack much punch hey .. what type of missile would that have been?

    4. TrumpsEarHole on

      Was this part that would have broke off, or was this an actual rocket with a payload? Quite surprised the wall didn’t get taken out.

    5. dahamburglar on

      Crazy unlucky to have it hit in your yard, crazy lucky to have it hit a dirt pile and nothing else

    6. josbossboboss on

      No wonder they have concrete walls for a fence. Just like Arizona.

    7. Substantial-Tone-576 on

      Gog of Magog and his hordes from the north threaten and attack the restored land.

    8. Illustrious-Sound271 on

      It’s insane how with everything else around that rocket hit an unkept abandoned looking yard.

    9. Pure-Bag9572 on

      At 0:06: Was that a critter just landed? Is it squirrel or a cat? Seems to be alive..

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