Was zum Teufel ist bei OpenAI los? | Während Führungskräfte mit Warnungen vor Gefahren fliehen, kündigt das Unternehmen an, weiterzumachen.



  1. Aromatic-Elephant442 on

    This has been a speed run at collapse since the word go. Incinerating cash to the tune of BILLIONS per year, trying to scare congress into giving them regulatory capture before their product even really exists, churning founders, etc.

  2. Unfair_Bunch519 on

    Omg, these drama queens are flipping out as if there was a future anyway. Just build the damn robot shinji

  3. My guess, as soon as you realize that the chatbots are not intelligent and cannot ever scale to become intelligent you take your bag and run. ML and LLMs have enormous potential, but sentient machines are not down this corridor. If AGI is the goal they are probably miles down a path that dead ends miles before they reach it. Take your money and run while you can still claim it was for “ai ethics” reasons instead of the much spicier “lying to investors” reasons.

  4. londons_explorer on

    I don’t think executives are fleeing.    I think they’re getting offered even more money elsewhere as demand for AI executives is insane.

  5. ahuimanu69 on

    I look forward to the juicy class-action suits where all of the casually stolen IP falls on the wrong (right) side of some judge’s courtroom, and the Ponzi scheme comes a crashin’ down.

  6. Remarkable_Doubt8765 on

    I often wonder, will companies such as OpenAI reach a point of maturity? You know, to have a product that works and is profitable… Or will they always tout the future while sublimating billions?

  7. Remarkable_Doubt8765 on

    I often wonder, will companies such as OpenAI reach a point of maturity? You know, to have a product that works and is profitable… Or will they always tout the future while sublimating billions?

  8. moody-green on

    we’re going to slow walk into a societal calamity while complaining on the internet because slow walks into calamity whilst complaining online is the new American past time

  9. BrainTraumaParty on

    It’s pretty straightforward, Sam Altman is a classic sociopath with narcissistic tendencies, and he has been biding his time to kill the nonprofit mission since the start of OpenAI.

    Just listen to the shit he says, look at the impulse purchases already, this is the antithesis of why his top brass joined.

    He will find hungry and ambitious “yes people” to replace them all soon enough, because they’re looking at the money on the table and not the implications of an unrestricted, unregulated push into this space.

  10. The tech giants imo are scrambling to replicate or improve the models in a way that integrates with their products and uses licensing to avoid lawsuits 

    It’s a matter of time before these guys are left out of the musical chair game 

  11. ministryofchampagne on

    How many of them are quitting, saying that stuff, and then starting their own AI companies.

    They’re eating their own for the scraps of investment funds/seed money.

  12. ScreenTricky4257 on

    Has anyone actually seen the executives alive after they’ve fled? Not just on video?

  13. Why are executives fleeing? Are they hiring executives? I’m up for it!

  14. Freed4ever on

    Hahaha, I have always wondered what kind of people are on this sub.

  15. That’s ok, when the AI “I.E skynet” reaches consciousness, the first people it will seek to kill are its creators.

  16. BevansDesign on

    If executives at an AI company “flee with warnings of danger”, you know either the house of cards is going to come crashing down, or they’re being chased by killer robots.

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