Fast sechs von zehn Amerikanern ernähren sich entzündungsfördernd, was das Risiko für Gesundheitsprobleme wie Herzerkrankungen und Krebs erhöht. Bestimmte Gewürze und Elemente einer mediterranen Ernährung haben entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften.


  1. Almost 6 in 10 Americans have pro-inflammatory diets, increasing the risk of health problems including heart disease and cancer, according to a new study that used a tool designed to examine inflammation in the diet.

    The study also found that certain populations – including Black Americans, men and people with lower incomes – were more likely to eat a diet high in pro-inflammatory foods.

    “Overall, 57% of U.S. adults have a pro-inflammatory diet and that number was higher for Black Americans, men, younger adults and people with lower education and income,” said lead author Rachel Meadows, visiting faculty in The Ohio State University’s College of Public Health.

    The research team used the dietary inflammatory index, a tool developed a decade ago that includes 45 dietary components, to examine the diets of more than 34,500 adults included in the 2005-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.


  2. I_Hath_Returned on

    Many Americans eating like crap is not exactly new. It’s a reality everyone is aware of, but have major issues changing (for many different reasons).

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