Angeblich ein schweres unbemanntes Tarnkappen-Kampfluftfahrzeug vom Typ Suchoi S-70 Okhotnik-B, das durch Eigenbeschuss abgeschossen wurde (keine Su-25).

    Von Gurvinek


    1. fyris_minis on

      Russians now: haha it is just 1 of 3 of our next gen stealth drones we are trying to develop, not a glorious soviet plane from 1980. Suck it losers!

    2. Sa-naqba-imuru on

      Why is it considered friendly fire?

      Is the hunting plane identified?

      Why is it not Ukrainian?

    3. Kickinitez on

      This is what the US should have done before our most advanced drone crashed and fell into the hands of the Iranians

    4. sprudelnd995 on

      Wooow – heeey, they’re getting really creative at doing really stupid stuff these days!

    5. This was a pretty big blunder no? its apparently landed in ukrainian controlled territory as well so they’ll be able to recover some of it, this thing has barely entered production.

    6. Jazzlike_Highlight90 on

      The Norwegian plates was void 22.7.24, is this in russian occupied terretory?

    7. “Russian stealth” is just not a thing, they don’t have that tech. They can make lowvis stuff but anybody can (queue Turkey, Korea, China, and so on)

    8. VMICoastie on

      So, they have 2 to 3 of these things and already lost 1 of them. They are either testing it in real world conditions or are desperate.

    9. 😝 Russians…lol. Would be even funnier if they weren’t murdering their neighbors.

    10. AliceLunar on

      Doesn’t really seem to be an S-70 either imo, and the picture of the wing also doesn’t really seem to line up properly unless they’ve redesigned it.

    11. Necessary_Ad_7203 on

      It started to become self aware, now they have to deal with the other one (they only built two of them).

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