Die größte Anime-Piraterie-Streaming-Site der Welt ist als große Bedrohung auf den Radar der US-Regierung geraten



  1. MisterEng1n33ring on

    “notorious offenders” LOL, these guys are brain dead and money hungry

  2. DarthDarthula on

    ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘ “oh well, onto the next site”

  3. 9-11GaveMe5G on

    > Put on U.S. Government’s Radar as Major Threat

    *In a shocking development today, Anime Piracy has claimed responsibility for the 9-11 attacks.*

  4. Arnim Zola “Cut off one head 2 more take its place!” (Marvel Snap)

  5. Captain_Aizen on

    Just say the name of the site nobody wants to click in that fucking bullshit

  6. SsooooOriginal on

    Fucking clown world, this is a priority? Fucking really, *really*? Get a real job, ya bums. Stop wasting tax money on this bullshit, we have hungry kids. 

  7. Sweet-Bookkeeper-188 on

    How is this a threat but user agreements forfeiting legal rights isn’t a threat? Or the fact you can purchase something digital and have it taken away at any point without refund. 

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