Was müssen Sie noch sehen? Die Zahl der Grenzüberfälle unter Biden war viel höher (wie zuvor fünfmal), sie fliegen sie in Regierungsprogramme ein, die ihnen den schnellen Weg zur Staatsbürgerschaft usw. ermöglichen würden. Sie reden ständig offen darüber, dass sie eine Amnestie wollen. Ich habe gesehen, dass die Zahl der illegalen Einwanderer in den sieben größten Swing States seit 2021 im Durchschnitt um 500 % gestiegen ist. https://x.com/alx/status/1841979450285601082

Der beste Weg, die roten Gebiete wie im Rostgürtel in 20 Jahren loszuwerden, die zu 95 % weiß sind und zu 40 % für Trump stimmen, besteht darin, Einwanderer dort unterzubringen. Sie werden amnestiert, bekommen Kinder und nehmen auf andere Weise Einfluss auf die Gemeinschaft, um sie linker zu machen.

Von RusevReigns


  1. Wouldn’t they be more likely to vote republican if they’re from central/south america considering that they’re alot closer to the American conservatives in their views and values? 

  2. Necessary_Petals on

    It’s like the Australians letting the Aboriginals change the voting demographics!

  3. lostinrockford on

    Just in time to time to draft them for world war 3. I wonder if they will want to go home then.

  4. BalkanPrinceIRL on

    I’m in Texas where people think it’s all rednecks and cowboys wearing MAGA hats that determines our politics. We’re a state with Hispanic majority, where citizens with Mexican roots vote Republican due to their religious and patriotic values. People vote for what’s in their best interests. They’re bringing in illegals to eventually make them voters, but once they’re established, they will turn on the Democratic Party. It’s a short term win when (not if) illegals start voting, but all US politics are based on short-term gains – otherwise, they would be fixing our infrastructure.

  5. Appropriate_Pop_5849 on

    Friendly reminder that “encounters” are a new metric that the CBP started using during Trump’s last year in office that includes repeat offenders and illegal immigrants who were expelled from the country. The number of “encounters” is not the same thing as the number of illegal immigrants who were allowed to stay in the country.

  6. trumpgotpeedon on

    That would make more sense if the majority of the Hispanic population wasn’t Catholic and deeply religious. Some of the most conservative people you’ll meet are Latino. 

  7. 1. create a victim / victim mentality
    2. grant those victims “things” (healthcare, housing, money)
    3. use them to do your bidding & threaten if they don’t play along (ie; vote how they are told or they lose their “benefits”
    4. establish totalitarian government

  8. missscarlett1977 on

    After seeing what they did to Chimney Rock and Maui I’d say they are making it clear they will be destroying the american way of life further and further until there’s not much left in the greatest country in the world.

  9. A lot of people have been saying that “illegal aliens have conservative values” and if you just give them a chance to come in and destroy the country for a few years, the GOP is going to definitely win back swing states again! If you truly believe that communist propaganda, you are a lunatic.

    Yes, it is true that people generally vote their values, but that is not the case here because they do not want illegal aliens to assimilate into American culture because that would make them more independent-minded and support limited government. There is no “assimilating into conservative ideology” for them, only perpetually fragmented as a politically confused, non-English speaking, left-wing voting bloc. I guess the left does support a type of assimilation, but it is in the direction of being kind of an economically despoiled and politically held hostage group of people.

    The purpose of the border invasion is for the deep state globalists to finalize their control of America. They will do this by politically manipulating the illegal alien population giving them free housing, education, healthcare, etc, but not giving them too many resources that will make them economically prosperous or compete with the other leftists already in the country in terms of high-skilled jobs. This would give them too much independence which is what they don’t want. (I.e. look at the way they treat Asians)

    And if you think we can just make illegal aliens rich so they won’t need to rely on government programs and vote democrat, no, that is not a good idea because it is an unfair redistribution of wealth from American taxpayers to people who don’t even belong here. Also, giving free money to get kids to go to rich schools like Harvard is how you get voters even more far left, rofl.

    By the way, all I’ve said so far are just referring to non-criminal illegal aliens. As for the tens of thousands of murders and sex offenders who are illegal aliens, they serve an additional purpose which is to condition the native population to gradually normalize crime. Or they use these criminals as propaganda tools to get the native population to surrender gun rights. See what happens in Canada, UK, etc for examples.

    Illegal aliens have no political connections in America so they will naturally lean towards leftist propaganda even though it ironically goes against many of their values. But all of those free programs in addition to a promise of future citizenship will be enough to get them loyal for a many generations.

  10. Well at least you figure it out yourself. It’s been known for a decade now.

  11. Monkeydoodless on

    Illegal immigrants CANNOT VOTE in a federal election! FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME THEY CANNOT VOTE so this is a dumb argument!

  12. iDrinkRaid on

    Isn’t Trump’s campaign flexing it’s swelling support from black and hispanic voters?

    Also, border encounters doesn’t mean “Got into the country” it means “Something happened” usually something border-security wise. The lower numbers under Trump meant that less was being done, and it’s not like immigration has substantially ramped up in the last few years.

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